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AXEON HYDRO RO Hyperfiltration Membranes, 2-Pack
AXEON HYDRO RO EZ-Twist Sediment and Carbon Cartridges, 3-pack
EZ-Twist Cartridge 3-pack includes the following:
*Not sold individually, sold in 3-Pack kit
The 5-micron carbon block cartridge filters (2) reduce chlorine, chloramines, and other toxins from the water. Depending on water use and the number of impurities, this filter should be replaced at a minimum of 6,500 gallons of purified water produced.
The 5-micron sediment cartridge filter (1) reduces rust, sand, silt, and other particulates and impurities from the water. Depending on water use and the number of impurities, this flter should be replaced at a minimum of 6,500 gallons of purifed water produced.